Monday, May 17, 2010

eight is great

this morning, i woke up to my favorite flowers, tulips, by my bedside.
my dear sweet husband left them for me before heading off to work.
today is our eighth wedding anniversay.
its crazy to think i have been married for eight years because it doesn't feel like it.
time does fly when you're having fun and when you are married to your best friend.
just the other day, jason and i were talking about how we have almost been an "item" longer than we haven't.
super crazy.
i can't picture my life without my wonderful husband in it.
he really is my everything.
cheesy, i know, but true.
and lately i can't get enough of his delicious chocolate shakes that he makes just for me every night for dessert.
my growing waisteline thanks him too.
they are just so addicting.
in fact, i can't wait to have another one tonight as we watch the suns go head-to-head with the lakers.

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