you might have the runs if...
yes, i am tired of changing dirty diapers every five minutes and it feels like there is no end in sight of eden's runny poo!
gross, i know. but not as gross as jack sniffing his hand after putting it in his butt and then saying he likes the smell because it reminds him of mexico.
Jacks smelly fingers deserve their own post. that was the funniest Jack story ever! i actually considered writing it on mine ;)
p.s. eden crapping into a towel is disgusting.
I'm dying right now! Jack is too funny!
That Jack story is the BEST! And it made my day, in such a strange way but it makes my day!!! :) Poor Eden girl, but I agree with Carolyn that's disgusting. But what are you to do???
very funny. i had tears. can't decide which is funnier...liking the smell or it reminding him of Mexico.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my gosh! i am seriously in TEARS. What a character that Jack.
HAHAHAHAHA!! I am dying laughing out loud right now!! Soo funny.
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