Friday, March 19, 2010

spring break vacay

puerto penasco
(a.k.a. rocky point)
spring break '10

there is nothing better than warm weather and a beach.
even if it means you have to stay in a house where the toilet rules are:
"if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down."

eden with her freshly done pedicure.
compliments of her aunt heidi.

and it wouldn't be mexico without a cross up on a hill.


Rich and Crys said...

I'm so incredibly jealous. I reeeally need a day at the beach... preferably one with a cross up on a hill. Yes, that would be wonderful. Lucky ducks. ;)

Edith.morris said...

While I was reading your post, I thought that it was funny that you obey the same potty rules as when we go down to Rocky Point and then it hit me that we stay in the same family cabin! Hee Hee. Though I'm very jealous. We didn't get to go this year. (We usually go over President's day or MLK day). I know you go to Disneyland a lot. Any suggestions for me? We are going in a week and a half! We have a just turned 4 year old girl and an almost 2 year old boy.