Tuesday, May 27, 2008


jack had to talk about what he wants to be when he grows up.  Instead of the obvious boy answers--a fireman or a police officer--he said he wants to be a teacher.  okay, and then when his teacher asked why he wants to be a teacher he replied, "because i get to use a calculator."  Crazy kid.

yeah!  he made it past the first year of preschool.  we always knew he could do it.

so excited to be graduating.

waiting patiently for his name to be called.

the cutest face ever.


The Hall Family said...

He is soo cute!!

Kara said...

the trash bag is the best!

Ben and Amberly said...

Deb!! Your kids are so cute. I love the graduation pictures. Who would have thought a trash bag could look so cute?!?

Brittany said...

Hi Deb! I found your blog through Kyle's. It's so good to see you and Jason! Your kids are so cute!!! I'm linking you to me so I can keep up with you guys! :)

Dana said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while, and I'm so glad that you are getting into the blogging world! I can't believe how big Jack and Ava are - such adorable kiddos you have. I hope you are all doing great!

Our Family said...

That is so cute, Deb! He is a stud!

Melissa said...

I AM SO GLAD you commented on my blog!!! I didn't know you had one. YEAH!!! Now we might actually keep in touch!
Jack's graduation is SO cute I love his "gown". He is such a cutie a good mix of the two of you. And Ava is getting SO big!~I think when I saw you last she was just born.
Um yeah- SO I really want to talk with you about the whole Marathon thing! 6 DEB! You are my hero!! I want to do the Disney one so bad, That's so cool you did it. 6- I can't get over that!
So great to SEE you. We'll talk soon-

Brad, Briene and Brayden said...

It was good seeing you. Your kids are so cute. Let's get together with the kdis next week. E-mail me so I can let you on our blog since it's private.

scott and linds said...

that is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Cute kids lady- I hope that calculator thing works out for him ;)

The Hall Family said...

Thanks for letting us come over today!! It was a lot of fun.